Comment On Blog: Existing Songs.
Mr Higgins16 December 2014 at 06:54
Some good points, but try to break your analysis down a bit, particularly looking at parts of the video which promote the artist and song. Use screen grabs to illustrate your points.Also, you need to demonstrate more analysis and especially of songs or the genre similar to the one you have chosen.
I shall post another comment on this blog with another detailed analysis of this music video using your advice to help me with what I need to add.
I am also doing an analysis for another country song soon but it is from a different artist. This song is from an artist similar to Miranda Lambert and has the same production company so this will help enforce my own ideas for my music video.
Comment On Blog: Storyboard 1.
Mr Higgins16 December 2014 at 06:47
What do you feel you've learnt from this storyboarding process? How has it helped you visualise your music promo?
From the storyboarding process I have learnt that it is easier to keep your ideas written down in one place so that it is easier to keep them how you originally wanted. I have also learnt that it easier to plan filming times as you would be able to see what scenes are similar and work on a section at a time, this would also be helping when coming to re-film parts.
It has helped me to visualise my music video as it clear shows which parts are flashbacks due to the transitions I have chosen to use. The use of visual images would also help me to when I come to editing my video as I would be able to match the clip to the pictures in the storyboard.
However, from my storyboard, I have seen that some of these scenes are repeated and I may need to include a wider variety of shots and angles to make it stand it out.